What has happened recently

Our collective has been a little scattered over the last month and most of us have been on the road. As the months before were very exhausting for us, this was temporarily okay and somehow urgently needed. Nevertheless, a lot of work has happened in the meantime and the project has made a lot of progress.  

The construction team is working on the truck every day. Windows, doors, exterior wall insulation, power lines, etc. – the truck is constantly growing. At the same time, furniture for the interior design was completed at other locations. We took cool photos of everything and uploaded them to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for everyone to see. Currently, new and nicer information flyers about the NNT are in progress. Thanks to your support and the awesome image film about the truck, we were able to finish our crowdfunding campaign more than successfully and we are continuing to receive support from various cities. Our name recognition has long grown far beyond Berlin. We are also receiving more and more emails in which complete strangers offer us their help in various ways. Networking has become a big and important part of our work. For example, some of us here in Berlin have been involved in organizing the protests against the current situation at Europe’s external borders from the very beginning, while others abroad have supported or are still supporting the No Name Kitchen, Sea-Eye, the Zig Zag Kitchen for Refugees and the No Border Kitchen. Even though the NNT will operate mainly along the Bosnian-Croatian border, we of course see ourselves as part of these struggles. Whether in Greece, on the Mediterranean Sea or along the Green Border – we all fight for open borders and against racism and its deadly consequences. 

We are watching the current events very closely and will discuss in the coming days via telephone conference how all this can influence the future of the NNT and our plans. Afterwards we will update you with new information. Thanks for being with us all the time! Without you we would not be able to manage all this.


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We will not stand by and watch as people are killed and attacked with tear gas, batons and gunfire by the Nobel Peace Prize winner EU! We are against the isolation of Europe and demand that the EU complies with basic human rights! We stand in solidarity with refugees and with all who are fighting for human rights!

Since Turkey unilaterally opened its borders, thousands of people have been trapped in a lawless no man’s land between the Greek and the Turkish border. Boats with refugees are being blocked from docking by fascists in Greece. The Greek Coastguard is doing nothing while refugee boats capsize. Refugees, volunteers, politicians and journalists are being violently attacked, menaced and hunted.

Greece has announced to „maximize“ its border protection and has suspended the right of refugees to seek asylum. The Greek Government is depicting refugees as an „invasion“ and is working hand in hand with fascists. The isolation of Fortress Europe has reached a new dimension, the EU is using pure violence against those who seek protection.

In Germany politicians are demanding to continue with the isolation and with the 4-years old EU-Turkey deal. This EU is ready to be blackmailed by Erdogan and fascists within European walls. In consequence, people are dying, this is not our EU!

Hate and hate speech blossom in an environment of racism. The continuation line from Hanau to Lesvos is clear. Racism is a structural relation of power, a colonial heritage. Let’s rise up against this! Here! There! Anywhere!

*We are coming together this (3/3/2020) evening in front of the Federal Chancellery to demonstrate that we are not willing to accept this! We can’t let people die on the borders of Fortress Europe.

We demand that the EU finally takes responsibility and takes in refugees!
We demand safe passage for refugees!
We demand the end of EU isolationism and the toxic EU Turkey refugee deal!
We demand that the 138 “Safe Harbours” in Germany, the cities and municipalities that have declared their will to take in more than the determined quota of refugees will be heard!
We call on Horst Seehofer, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Angela Merkel, the Federal Government and the European Union: protect people, not borders!

Together against fascism!

We stand in solidarity with the refugees at the Greek-Turkish border and on the Greek islands!


A lot of work on the truck is being done but there are still some holes and other small things to be repaired, before we can start with the interior.

Also we still urgently need a few materials!

  • Aluminum poles (30 pieces of 3m)
  • Fittings (latches, hinges, pull-outs, gas pressure springs)
  • Blind rivet nuts M10
  • Assembly adhesive solvent-free for Styrofoam 25 cartridges
  • Vapor barrier tape 200lm
  • Dekalin sealing compound (1 cartridge)
  • Tools: ratchet box 1/2 „and 3/4“, various pliers, power tools and accessories, cordless
  • screwdriver, metal drill
  • Tension belts of various sizes
  • Screen printing plates up to 15mm thick
  • Plywood panels up to 15mm thick
  • Theater laths
  • Screws different sizes
  • MC4 solar cable connector
  • sink and stove for professional kitchens
  • & of course money, money, money

If you have any of those materials or hear about something, feel free to contact us!

Here we are

Hello Hello,

We are the NoNationTruck collective, at the moment we are still in the foundation phase so there is not so much going on here yet.
In the future you will find more about the NNT, events and other topics on our blog.
